Sunday, December 24, 2006

Stand-y man

Logan was half-entertaining himself in the crib this morning while we tried to grab a few extra zzzzzs (ha! yeah right). He started to melt down a bit and I walked into the bedroom to see him standing in his crib. Standing! He doesn't know how to get down so that is why we have all the crying. I hope he doesn't do it tonight at say, 1 am.

We had a good Christmas Eve, and even braved not one, but two grocery stores. We all had a nice dinner together and then Hoagie opened one present from Nana. He was very happy with his festive outfit, bib, and pjs. Very cute. Of course the clothes were surpassed by the box they came in, but such is the life of a 9 month old. And truth be told, the talking bear she sent is holding even more allure than the box.


before opening


thanks nana

love the box


Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays!
Wow, Logan on the move, great pictures, thanks to Don and Logan for the all-to-quick visit to work the other day. Keep having fun!

floreksa said...

What a cutie!! DD spent many a nights at 1am screaming because she had gotten up and couldn't get back down.

I spent 1 day teaching her how to fall on her "tushie" LOL