Thursday, January 22, 2009

Avoidance, vigilance and, finally, acceptance

So I have tried desperately to avoid getting sick prior to having A, then after. Cause, you know, a sick newborn is no one's idea of fun. And taking care of a newborn while sick is only slightly less undesirable. Well, everyone but A got a cold this weekend. With the unseasonably warm weather (a Santa Anna that has lasted for-freaking-ever) I knew it was coming. Yes, I should be thankful for the 70-80 degree temps while the rest of the country suffers through terrible snow and cold, but I knew we were going to get sick so that kind of takes the shine off it.

Anyway, Logan had the worst of it on Monday, including a fever in the afternoon/evening. Nothing crazy bad, just warm and part of a cold. Or so we thought until we commented on a little pimple that showed up on his lip yesterday or maybe this morning (the timing is still under discussion). Then while we were eating lunch at the Children's Museum--which is amazing and very fun--Don noticed blisters on L's hands. Yes, blisters. On his hands. Combine that with the pimple, aka BLISTER, on his lip, and the fever on Monday, you have Hand, Foot, and Mouth! Awesome! So now we are on lock-down (sorry parents and kids of San Diego who went to the museum today, *blushes with embarrassment and shame*), and hoping against hope that Aurora doesn't get it too. Oh please do not let her get it!


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