To Bri, Wes, and TK...I know I float about the edges of the IVP, but your story and struggles have been a part of my life. I hope you know how many people you have touched with your openness and honesty. I wish you the most emotionally freeing birth, excellent bonding with TK, and a deeper love between the two of you. I know you are scared, and nothing I say is going to make it go away, but it is just a small moment of your relationship. An important one, to be sure, but fleeting really in the scope of things.
Enough of that, bring on the virtual presents! I notice you haven't really gotten any virtual things. Which is the best sort of present for those undergoing major home renovations. So here is a rocker from Modern Tots that I will go out on a limb and say you and Wes might like. Don and I fancy ourselves a little modern too, and happy to see someone living our dream. To TK I present the Olga Rocker...
Happy VS Bri, Wes, and TK!!!!!
1 comment:
Thank you sooooo much! That is such an excellent rocker that is absolutely our style - it may be bookmarked in Wes' extensive toy-desires for TK's future, in fact. Thanks for being there through all this.
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