Yup, we bought a j*mparoo. We have a johnny-jump-up that I purchased used for the rock bottom price of $5. It was GREAT. He loves it. However we only have three doorways that it works on, all in extreemly close proximity to the litter box. Now, it usually doesn't smell, but that doesn't mean I want to spend any length of time 6 inches away from the darn thing. So we broke down and bought the one that is more portable. The footprint is ginormas. We are being overtaken by all things Hoagie. At least he is happy!
Last night was better in that we had no screaming, but he was still a.w.a.k.e. from 10 until 1:15am. This seriously blows. We tried motrin, hopefully something will emerge from the gums soon.
I love his "grin" in the 2nd photo. so cute.
He is absolutely adorable! The twinkle in his eyes portend things to come!
quinn LOVES the jumparoo that she hops around in at the babysitters. but, for the love of cheese, they do take up A LOT of floor space that we seriously don't have. the swing, her baby-go-round and her space saver "high chair" are all in the living room here (don't ask why the chair she eats in is in here.....)
glad that logan enjoys it, too. and yes, LOVE his grinning eyes in pic #2!!
If it isn't teeth, it could be an earache. Our doc said that if she is sleeping fine and wakes up "pissed" it could mean and ear infection. Probably not, but something to think about.
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