I really don't understand Face.book very well, as my cousin K can attest. It seems kind of like, what do I get out of this? But I am on it nonetheless. I have connected with some Buck's Rock people and a few from high school. In the last two days I have had two people from my past request to be my friend. So. dang. weird. One is a guy I dated for a week during the first semester, Freshman year at Syracuse. The other is a woman who I went to elementary, middle, and high school with.*
The guy I dated turned into a friend who I ran into occasionally on my way to class. Nothing too deep, but he was/is a nice guy (if not a bit troubled). The woman who I went to grade school with could only be called a forced friend. We played sports together and my class was only 70-ish people, so we couldn't really avoid each other. She was "cool" and I, much to everyone's surprise I'm sure, was not. Let's just say she didn't welcome me into the cool crowd with open arms. She was clearly on a self-destructive path from a very early age and it is interesting to see a picture of her now without full goth-esque garb. I will be interested to see what she is up to, if I can discern it without putting in too much effort. The voyeur aspect of face.book is what is most appealing. You can dip in and out of people's lives without having to do much.
Anyway, this is all to say these two people led me down the rabbit hole to other Syracuse and Bow folks who I hadn't thought of in a really long time. So strange. I am starting to see face.book's addictiveness, but it sure would be time consuming and I frankly have way too much to do besides search for people I don't know anymore.
Of course everyone commented on how adorable Logan is. I won't add them to my list if they don't.
Next post for Cali: the brunch menu and cooking club rules. With a side of Hoagie, of course.
*10 points to my parents if they can guess who the Bow person is.